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Travel Tips

Traveling can be hectic and stressful. Understanding the airport arrival and departure processes, staying up-to-date on the latest airport security procedures and knowing what to pack will help prepare you for your adventure.

For more information, check out TSA's travel tips videos.

Traveling as light as possible to avoid checking a bag? Stretching your funds to book your flight in the first place? Welcome, frugal flyer.

Traveling as a caregiver for children or an elderly loved one takes a lot of preparation and planning to ensure your trip runs as smoothly as possibly. Don't forget to review these quick tips before your trip!

All screening equipment at airport security checkpoints is safe for all travelers, including women who are pregnant. Check out TSA's travel tips video for additional details on traveling while pregnant.

Bringing your furry friends along for the trip? To help your family travel together, we've provided a few tips to check out before starting your journey.

Do you find comfort in being plugged in? Enjoy watching Netflix, listening to music or gaming on a mobile device or laptop? To keep your battery juices flowing, we have plenty of outlets available at charging stations and power supplies under seating throughout IND along with free public Wi-Fi. 

Do you find yourself rushing to your gate for last minute departures? You're not alone. IND has many moving walkways to make your airport sprinting even quicker. Our Valet parking allows for quick pick-up and drop-off of your car. 

Don't forget to check out our quick stops on your way out of IND: